When organizations value the ongoing well-being of their workforce

‘Walk the Floor’ is an innovative program where Anne Marie visits your workplace and is available to employees to discuss work related or personal issues impacting on their well-being and performance. The service is delivered on a regular basis using a combined coaching and counseling approach that is brief (30 minutes) short term and solution focused.

Debriefing Services can also be provided to support individual employees, teams or groups who have experienced a critical operational incident or stressful event at work, or who are negatively impacted by the effects of organizational change.


Useful during intense periods of organizational change and instability, as an ongoing support service when staff are engaged in demanding and stressful roles or when workplaces have been impacted by a critical or adverse event.


  • Anne Marie builds rapport with employees by using opportunities to interact with employees outside the private counseling sessions. It might be delivering a 'lunch and learn' session in the staff cafeteria, conducting 'meet and greets' on the floor, posting information about workplace health on intranet sites or attending whole staff briefings.
  • Works best when "Walk the Floor" is scheduled at regular intervals on the same day and time. Employees can either book ahead directly with Anne Marie or simply 'drop by' on the day. A private meeting space is needed to ensure confidentiality.
  • A monthly report is given to the employer that provides non-identifying information about service usage and nature of presenting issues. This information can inform the targeted delivery of well-being programs that address patterns of concern.
  • Employee sessions are strictly confidential




  • By 'walking your floor' an ongoing relationship between the counselor and the organization develops. The counselor understands the unique pressures and challenges of your workplace. Employees don’t feel the need to explain the context for some of the workplace stressors that bring them to counseling. Familiarity and regularity is combined with independence and confidentiality.
  • The 'onsite' service becomes accepted as a trusted source of counseling support for employees who may not ordinarily reach out or find the time to access external services.
  • Walk the Floor and Debriefing Services demonstrate an employer's commitment to promoting and sustaining a healthy workplace.
  • Meets the organizations ‘duty of care’ to manage risks associated with employees exposure to stress and trauma.
  • Being external to management and confidential, employees feel safe using this service to deal with a range of issues, work or personal, that may be impacting on their performance and well-being.
  • Being onsite means that counseling can be readily and easily accessed. Issues are dealt with in 'real time' and so in a much more preventative and proactive way.
  • Service users are encouraged and assisted to seek referral to appropriate professionals, should issues be identified that require more intensive and specialist support


"We would give staff advance notice and they would schedule their own appointments knowing Anne Marie would be onsite from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. This was an especially important service when the department was hit repeatedly with restructures and staff was reeling from each wave of change. From an organizational perspective, having this onsite service in place was about risk management. We were being transparent about the stress that was out there."
"Our people are more likely to seek support from someone who understands the critical nature of our business and is a known quantity. Staff was fed up with having to explain themselves and their work for every issue and to different counselors. On the days that Anne Marie visits there is always a 'stand by' list."
"The onsite nature of the service means attendance is much more likely. Our people work 12 hours shifts in an emotionally draining and high pressured role. It is not likely they will have the time or the inclination to make an appointment to see an external counselor...no matter how dire the situation is for them.”

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